Nam Baldwin

Nam Baldwin

Elite Performance Coach  |  Keynote Speaker
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Speaker fees: We're not able to provide this information on the website. Please call us on 0450 077 997 for more information.

About Nam

“With over 28 years experience in the health, fitness & wellbeing industries worldwide, Nam specialises in emotional & physiological intelligence & peak performance. He continually ...”

With over 28 years experience in the health, fitness & wellbeing industries worldwide, Nam specialises in emotional & physiological intelligence & peak performance. He continually explores the achievement of success in high pressure situations. He is a life, health & peak performance coach, strength & conditioning coach, powerful corporate trainer, and a hugely popular keynote speaker.

Nam is sought after by elite athletes, teams & is the well-kept secret of many ‘top 1 percenters’ in the business world. His gift of simplifying the complicated science behind brain & body performance, & delivering it in life-changing, digestible sessions, creates proven successes.

Nam finds his greatest meaning in life when doing things that he loves doing, well; in creating a good effect in the world and finding his best self in the process. When Nam is working with you, you’ll have his complete support and undivided attention.

Renowned for helping his clients to reveal what allows them to be their best selves, Nam encourages them to ‘lean in’ to areas of discomfort as that’s where they really grow. With so many of his clientele already performing at high levels he uses an extensive variety of methods & environments to find the ‘gaps for growth’. In return he asks for commitment, honesty and an open mind.

Nam’s personal habits & practices are of the highest standards, and he has been consistent with them for a very long time. He knows what works, and he’s being doing them long enough to have faced any number of hurdles. He knows how to tackle tough times and come out better for it! He has no problem in taking others into uncomfortable territory if required – there’s no tip toeing around in these sessions.

What people say about Nam

For nearly 10 years Nam has worked with the various sales team that I have led. Each time, Nam and Devon have successfully delivered tailored sessions that met the challenges the team were facing.

– Southern Cross Austereo

For members of our squad, Nam has introduced techniques which can be applied by a player in the high-pressure environment of a game, encouraging the individual to function with heightened clearness and calmness, without losing the intensity required to function at an optimum in our game.

– Sydney Rooster